Thursday, November 12, 2015

EOC Week 6: Jobs in Advertising

Later in my life, I would obviously like to be the “Don Draper” of an advertising agency, also known as the creative director. This would be the place I would like to see myself in the future, however this is a job that does take a toll on life and has many other demands. I do like to be somewhat in charge of others and the salary is really very good, but I don’t know if I could live with the amount of pressure that would always be on my shoulder, not to mention the amount of time and experience it would take to get to that level. In time I do see myself as the creative director but as the job that I would have for most f my career I see my self as part as the Creative Team or in media since media is taking over the world. I would like to help plan, design, and create the advertising campaigns. Now being in the creative department I would either be a copywriter, production artist or a director of some sort. Rick Suttle, Demand Media, says, “Creative teams work in advertising agencies to dream up and execute advertising campaigns for the companies that hire the advertising agencies.“ This is his definition of what being a piece of the vital creative team is, which is a very good interpretation f what being apart of the creative team is. The other job that I see myself doing is something in the media aspect. Since media literally controls any company this would be a good job to be. I can see myself as a Media Buyer or a Media Planner, but with enough time and effort I can surely be the Media Director or at least assistant to the media director.

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