Tuesday, November 24, 2015


          Dove is consistent with the way they handle business, produce products and treat their customers.  We are a business that likes to expand the selling points of products so ultimately it’s easy for our customers to get what they want.  Local merchants or dealers often carry hundreds of different brands or numerous models of an exclusive brand…” (Chapter 4.) We want our customers to have easy access to all of their needs as well as create more opportunities to spread out our company. National companies are concerned about building their brands…” (Chapter 4.)
          Another way we strive to stay on top of our professionalism is by our advertising campaigns. We have built our company on targeting magazines, mainly gossip orientated, however we have broadened our spectrum to commercials and other media. “With the advent of modern technology and the natural maturation of the marketplace, many more media are available to choose from today, and each offers more choices.” (Chapter 9.) Since this is the new age of advertising and a constant change in advertising it is our duty to stay on top of our game. “Until the advent of the Internet, broadcast television grew faster than any other advertising medium in history.” (Chapter 14.) “The nature of the Internet is a constant state of evolution. Therefore advertisers have new and interesting ways to reach target audiences that extend beyond the more standard ad placements.” (Chapter 15.)
          Our advertisements will always be targeted to represent something that either you need or that will benefit yourself. Most of our ads have a positive impact, but we do have a few that may contain some type of concern. But that doesn’t mean that it was a waste of money. “From the advertiser's point of view, ads that don't resonate are a terrible waste of money. In fact, for them the greatness of the advertising is in the “bang per buck.” Great ads give their sponsors much more advertising effectiveness per dollar spent.” (Chapter 10.)
         Product placement in popular or block buster summer movies has also been effective to our advertisements. “Another way to reach movie and television audiences is to pay a fee to have the product written into the movie or program. Such product placement is becoming more common.” (Chapter 16.) These campaigns are possible because of our media buyers and how efficient they are. “The person in charge of negotiating and contracting with the media is called a media buyer. Media buyers often specialize in one medium or another, so there are print media buyers, spot TV media buyers, network media buyers, and so on.” (Chapter 13.)

          Nothing would be possible without our creative team. They are to thank for our successful advertisements and marketing schemes. We have strong commercials and other ads but they are all thought out carefully and thoroughly. “The average reader has little idea of the intricate technical stages that ads go through from start to finish…” (Chapter 12.)

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