Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week 9 EOC: Synopsis

The commercial for my product, Dove Men's Care Post Shave, will show examples of all the different aspects of "manliness." More in depth there will be the toughness aspect, the successfulness, attractive, and so on. This goes back to men wanting to be something they aren’t, idolizing somebody or something and wanting to become it. The commercial will open with a tough gritty football player then shoot to an image to the product in the locker room. By showing a big, strong, manly, tough football player using this product will open a door to men showing them that they can be one step closer to being like this man. Now this will be repeating throughout the commercial, for example, the net slides will consist of a successful, rich man with a big house and fancy car and then a man in the club with plenty of women around his arms. This product doesn’t guarantee that women will appear out of thin air, but women will be attracted to the smooth skin that this product will give the user. The punch line will be something like; “We are all men on the inside, but its what’s on the outside that counts. Get your man on.” And that is exactly true with this product. Women see a man’s appearance before they actually meet them, so it is good to make a good first impression.

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