Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week 10 EOC: Golden Globes

If I were working for the advertising agency that as trying to promote one of the new nominations for the best drama movie for the Golden Globes, I would try to make the trailers and previews more intriguing and simplified. For example, “The Room”, the preview is confusing and uninteresting. It does not invite the audience or send the message that is a Golden Globe deserving movie. Most people would see the trailer of a movie in theaters, online, or on television before they even see the art composition of the poster. These trailers have to give enough information about the movie to make it intriguing but not so much to where the plot is spoiled away. As for some of these movies the trailers are boring and uninformative, to where other has not gotten the publicity it needs. “The Revenant” has gotten publicity, but not good publicity.  There is a controversy with the trailer about Leonardo DiCaprio being raped by a bear, a rumor started by Drudge Report (Libbey). Obviously not the best publicity, but it still gets the movie out in the universe. This controversy has been cleared up since from a spokesperson for Entertainment Weekly, “As anyone who has seen the movie can attest, the bear in the film is a female who attacks Hugh Glass because she feels he might be threatening her cubs. There is clearly no rape scene with a bear.” (Libbey) As a hypothetical advertiser for any of these movies I would first decide on what demographic we would need to target. Is the movie an action thriller for men or a romantic comedy for couples? Then I would advise to make a correct trailer that is interesting for the demographic that we have chosen. By doing this there is no confusion on who or what the purpose of this movie is. The trailer would hopefully be played in theaters, on TV and on other media websites and things. The next step would be to make a poster or a graphic for this movie and display them at bus stops or that can be put on t shirts or even create some sort of interactive device that one could be engaged in. The final step would be the build up, I think putting out a small, maybe even blurry, screenshot of the movie out on the internet will bring people to make assumptions or question the movie making them want to see it even more to see what this mysterious mage represents. By doing all of this I believe any one of these nominations could be promoted a little better than they previously have.

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