Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week 9 EOC: Synopsis

The commercial for my product, Dove Men's Care Post Shave, will show examples of all the different aspects of "manliness." More in depth there will be the toughness aspect, the successfulness, attractive, and so on. This goes back to men wanting to be something they aren’t, idolizing somebody or something and wanting to become it. The commercial will open with a tough gritty football player then shoot to an image to the product in the locker room. By showing a big, strong, manly, tough football player using this product will open a door to men showing them that they can be one step closer to being like this man. Now this will be repeating throughout the commercial, for example, the net slides will consist of a successful, rich man with a big house and fancy car and then a man in the club with plenty of women around his arms. This product doesn’t guarantee that women will appear out of thin air, but women will be attracted to the smooth skin that this product will give the user. The punch line will be something like; “We are all men on the inside, but its what’s on the outside that counts. Get your man on.” And that is exactly true with this product. Women see a man’s appearance before they actually meet them, so it is good to make a good first impression.

Week 10 EOC: Golden Globes

If I were working for the advertising agency that as trying to promote one of the new nominations for the best drama movie for the Golden Globes, I would try to make the trailers and previews more intriguing and simplified. For example, “The Room”, the preview is confusing and uninteresting. It does not invite the audience or send the message that is a Golden Globe deserving movie. Most people would see the trailer of a movie in theaters, online, or on television before they even see the art composition of the poster. These trailers have to give enough information about the movie to make it intriguing but not so much to where the plot is spoiled away. As for some of these movies the trailers are boring and uninformative, to where other has not gotten the publicity it needs. “The Revenant” has gotten publicity, but not good publicity.  There is a controversy with the trailer about Leonardo DiCaprio being raped by a bear, a rumor started by Drudge Report (Libbey). Obviously not the best publicity, but it still gets the movie out in the universe. This controversy has been cleared up since from a spokesperson for Entertainment Weekly, “As anyone who has seen the movie can attest, the bear in the film is a female who attacks Hugh Glass because she feels he might be threatening her cubs. There is clearly no rape scene with a bear.” (Libbey) As a hypothetical advertiser for any of these movies I would first decide on what demographic we would need to target. Is the movie an action thriller for men or a romantic comedy for couples? Then I would advise to make a correct trailer that is interesting for the demographic that we have chosen. By doing this there is no confusion on who or what the purpose of this movie is. The trailer would hopefully be played in theaters, on TV and on other media websites and things. The next step would be to make a poster or a graphic for this movie and display them at bus stops or that can be put on t shirts or even create some sort of interactive device that one could be engaged in. The final step would be the build up, I think putting out a small, maybe even blurry, screenshot of the movie out on the internet will bring people to make assumptions or question the movie making them want to see it even more to see what this mysterious mage represents. By doing all of this I believe any one of these nominations could be promoted a little better than they previously have.



Slide 1:

My commercial takes all aspects of what men want themselves to be. For example with the first slide we see a football player which represents toughness. The immediate slide after is a shot of the Dove’s Men’s Care Post Shave.

Slide 2:

Promoting the product in the locker room.

Slide 3:

The next slide we see a businessman, clean cut, dressed nicely and he looks confident. Again the next slide is a shot of the “rich” and “successful” businessman holding the post shave. This commercial has shown 2 aspects of what men would like to have, toughness and success.

Slide 4:

This slide is the rich successful man posing and promoting the product.

Slide 5:

After the shot of the product there is a 10 second slide of a man surrounded by women with his 2 hands out holding the post shave. This man represents that women would be attracted to your smooth attractive fragranced face.

Slide 6:

More promotion of the product by zooming in to the man’s hand.

Slide 7:

So far we have shown men with toughness, success, and women have used this product. So what else do we need? Well how about the complete opposite person than what we discussed. A high school/college student.  He uses this product and is the smart, athletic and good looking stereotype that comes with the high school scholar athlete.

Slide 8:

We see the college/high school kid playing basketball.

Slide 9:

Then we see the guy taking a shower shaving his face.

Slide 10:

This slide is an action shot of the Post Shave next to the razor.

Slide 11:

This slide is a man who is dressed nicely, like a millionaire, talking about the product saying, “We are all men inside. But what’s inside doesn’t matter, it’s what’s outside that counts.”

The final slide:

A long close up of the final product.
This post shaved is used by men who are successful, attractive, and tough, but is also used by teenagers in school so the demographic is not just targeted on older men. We men see others as role models almost as if we wish we were them, but we are not. However by using this product we can be one step closer in achieving our fantasies. Get your man on.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


         All companies are concerned about their fan base, branching out, and becoming a more powerful audience. We are too, that is why dove branched out to becoming a men’s grooming company instead of just a female orientated company. By widening our demographics we were able to create a larger group to advertise and market for. “Advertising reaches us through a channel of communication referred to as a medium. An advertising medium is any nonpersonal means used to present an ad to a large audience.” (Chapter 1.)
         This opened the door to more social media and digital advertising opportunities. Now we have a Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Not to mention we are also putting out commercials, magazine ads and promotional adverting campaigns to help spread the word to a larger audience. “We have radio advertising, television advertising, newspaper ads, Google ads, and so on. When you tell somebody how much you like a product, that's sometimes called word-of-mouth (WOM) advertising. Although WOM is a communication medium, it has not generally been considered an advertising medium. However the popularity of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, is forcing advertisers to reconsider this belief.” (Chapter 1.)
         Now that we have a larger consumer base, others see Dove as a good strong company that does provide good results. We wouldn’t be this successful if we didn’t have the proof behind our facts. We are still focused on communicating to the masses, but we are still concerned with putting out campaigns to the consumers who see us as an overrated company.


          Here at Dove we not only like our customers, loyal or seasonal, we love and respect them. This is what we are going to do, with any purchase of our Dove Men’s Care Post Shave we are going to give our male customers either a free stick of deodorant or 50% off of our other Dove Men’s Care products. For our female customers buying for their loved ones we will include a free bar of women’s Dove soap or 50% off any Dove Women’s Care products as well.
          Here is how it will work. With all Dove Men’s Care Post Shave there will be a special tag that has a coupon code depending on what you the customer decides they want. We have done a lot of research to find out what our customers need and want. “Companies spend heavily on marketing research in order to discover the needs and wants that exist in the marketplace and to define a product's general characteristics in the light of economic, social, and political trends. The goal is to use this information for product shaping and development—designing products, through manufacturing, repackaging, or advertising, to satisfy more fully the customers’ needs and wants.” (Chapter 5.) We believe heavily on researching what our customers fully care about.
          As we said, we are not only doing this for our loyal customers, but for our seasonal customers as well. This company wants to retain and rebuild our fan base among the world. “It may be easiest to think of all these in terms of what one researcher calls the three R’s of marketing: recruiting new customers, retaining current customers, and regaining lost customers.” (Chapter 7.) We realize our most loyal customers care little about our promotions, but we know we should still give thanks to them. Our most important goal is to regain and recruit new customers that may have Dove as their second choice in grooming products. “Sole users are the most brand loyal and require the least amount of advertising and promotion. Semi-sole users typically use Brand A, but have an alternative selection if it is not available. Discount users are the semi-sole users of competing Brand B. Trial/rejectors bought Brand A's advertising message but didn't like the product. More advertising won't help; only a reformulation of Brand A will bring them back.” (Chapter 6.)

          We understand that some may not like Dove and that some may love Dove, either way our customers deserve only the best that we can offer.


          Dove is consistent with the way they handle business, produce products and treat their customers.  We are a business that likes to expand the selling points of products so ultimately it’s easy for our customers to get what they want.  Local merchants or dealers often carry hundreds of different brands or numerous models of an exclusive brand…” (Chapter 4.) We want our customers to have easy access to all of their needs as well as create more opportunities to spread out our company. National companies are concerned about building their brands…” (Chapter 4.)
          Another way we strive to stay on top of our professionalism is by our advertising campaigns. We have built our company on targeting magazines, mainly gossip orientated, however we have broadened our spectrum to commercials and other media. “With the advent of modern technology and the natural maturation of the marketplace, many more media are available to choose from today, and each offers more choices.” (Chapter 9.) Since this is the new age of advertising and a constant change in advertising it is our duty to stay on top of our game. “Until the advent of the Internet, broadcast television grew faster than any other advertising medium in history.” (Chapter 14.) “The nature of the Internet is a constant state of evolution. Therefore advertisers have new and interesting ways to reach target audiences that extend beyond the more standard ad placements.” (Chapter 15.)
          Our advertisements will always be targeted to represent something that either you need or that will benefit yourself. Most of our ads have a positive impact, but we do have a few that may contain some type of concern. But that doesn’t mean that it was a waste of money. “From the advertiser's point of view, ads that don't resonate are a terrible waste of money. In fact, for them the greatness of the advertising is in the “bang per buck.” Great ads give their sponsors much more advertising effectiveness per dollar spent.” (Chapter 10.)
         Product placement in popular or block buster summer movies has also been effective to our advertisements. “Another way to reach movie and television audiences is to pay a fee to have the product written into the movie or program. Such product placement is becoming more common.” (Chapter 16.) These campaigns are possible because of our media buyers and how efficient they are. “The person in charge of negotiating and contracting with the media is called a media buyer. Media buyers often specialize in one medium or another, so there are print media buyers, spot TV media buyers, network media buyers, and so on.” (Chapter 13.)

          Nothing would be possible without our creative team. They are to thank for our successful advertisements and marketing schemes. We have strong commercials and other ads but they are all thought out carefully and thoroughly. “The average reader has little idea of the intricate technical stages that ads go through from start to finish…” (Chapter 12.)


         People like a company that is control of their business at all times. They like a company to takes responsibilities for their mistakes and fixes them in the proper manner. “One of the most important public relations tasks for any corporation is crisis management. Brand value can be quickly destroyed if “damage control” is not swift and thorough.” (Chapter 18.) One reason that Dove is a strong and striving company is because we have been in control of all of our mistakes and have fixed them quickly and responsibly.
        Another reason that we are in constant control is because of our marketing plans and advertising campaigns. Though we have had trouble with some of our advertisements we fixed them correctly and we still have sent a powerful message through them. “The marketing plan has a profound effect on an organization's advertising. It dictates the role of advertising in the marketing mix. It enables better implementation, control, and continuity of advertising programs, and it guides the allocation of advertising dollars. Successful organizations do not separate advertising plans from marketing. They view each as a vital building block for success.” (Chapter 8.)
          We are fortunate that we have been successful, but we couldn’t have done it without our customers. “The fundamentally utilitarian framework, derived from the idea that society should promote behaviors that foster the greatest good for the most people…” (Chapter 3.) We have appealed to the masses of grooming products, women, when we started but since then we have a better feel for the consumers so we spread out our demographics to men. All genders should have equality so we made a special branch off of Dove called Dove Men’s Care. This branch off consist of specialized body washes, hair products, deodorants, and shaving products.